Food is Power;
Nutrition is an elementary part of life for everyone. Taste is always the guiding element for the consumer. Of course, quality perception and price are also relevant. Optimizing the taste of a product is a complex process with many opinions. Next to the consumer, the developers, marketers, trading partners and even possible taste panels all have their own opinions. Do you drive the trends, or do you prefer to follow? The FOODsayers team guides your organization to bring convincing innovations to the market. We establish the ideal life cycle for your products, bring campaigns that strike the “right chord” with consumers and suit your customer’s experience.
Functional Food;
Nutritional values remain essential for all food products. Extra functionality, such as vitamins, minerals and proteins can be added to food products to improve nutritional values. It allows your products to be more relevant to certain target groups. Your products will better suit your customer’s personal lifestyle. Important is to know whether your products are ready for a healthy future. Are the functional ingredients you add to your products relevant for your customers? Trade partners will certainly welcome your new products that hold a higher added value. We guide you to select the best functional ingredients to upgrade your products.
Healthier Food;
Consumers are changing their lifestyles to stay healthy rather than have a need to be cured. The preventive role of healthier food in these lifestyles allow consumers to live with less needed medical care. Again and of course, food is tasty. No question on the primary role and value of food. It brings the power to enjoy life and perform. Understanding the new principles and relevant role of food allows you to continue to claim a role in the food value chain. FOODsayers shares insights in applying these principles.
European Answer
•The Dutch Command•
You have a clear vision for your company and know that your products suit your mission and are valuable for consumers. It is your daily activity to work on implementation of the right strategy. So, your products satisfy your customer’s needs. Most of the results of your strategy is an excellent execution. Allow FOODsayers to guide you with your plans and assist in the realization of that great execution. Brand What exactly does your brand stand for? Is it ready for a healthy future and is its performance in line with your mission? FOODsayers works with you to select the right direction based on important market trends and the required knowledge to master all expectations. Staying relevant for your trade partners and customers always has the full focus. Broaden your brands performance and perception with new target groups and even new value chains that provide new insights for your products.

Let's meet!
Diederik Bruins; Founder of FOODsayers. Let me extend a hand to you to show you a world full of innovation, enlightenment and carrying capacity. Would you like to participate in this growth towards better and more? We can be your body for a powerfull and healty future!
Your brand is well and clearly present, both online as well as offline. That’s the backbone of all your marketing efforts these days. Your brand wins through the great story, the actual “vibe”, active management of campaigns and visibility on all suitable events. Activating your brand will ensure top performance.
The key to your success is communication to the right target groups and individual customer. Develop with FOODsayers the right selection of communication channels and effective messaging. FOODsayers has an excellent network of communication specialists that can achieve maximum brand performance with clever budgeting.
The most important ambassador for your brand is your customer. So, you need to know your customers well. Are your products fit for personalization? Will there be a new reason to buy your products when you can personalize them? Understand what message personalization can mean to your customers and what value this adds to the perception of your brand. It works both ways; your product exactly meets your customer’s wishes, and your campaign fully appeals to the customer.
FOODsayers uses a series of proven methodologies to build on the success of your brand and organization. Together we select the best set of methodologies that suit your brand. We create a “Birds Eye” with a view from multiple angles including the footprint and your sustainability objectives.

You have a reason you do what you do. What is your brand’s right to exist? Or as the French say; your “raison d’être”? We bring you insights that will increase awareness. Know your organizations IKIGAI. Make decisions differently and boost your results.

Building brands means you know the “essence” of that brand and all the elements that influence its essence. Know your markets, your competitors, the trends, and insights on the behavior of your customers. Their reasons to buy your products. The right data on your brand performance shows the direction on how to make it grow.

Big Hairy Audicious Goal
The American way of positioning commonly includes a “Big Hairy Audicious Goal”. The BHAG offers a method to look at the future of your brand without boundaries. It uniquely illustrates where you may want to go and how you provide focus on formulating the right path to get there.

The Four Factors approach is a guiding approach to guide your organization to the next level. You will learn to put the customer more in the center of your marketing perspective. It provides insights into the selection factors that your customers hold regarding your products. What motivates them to buy your products? FOODsayers knows the Four Factors methodology. We’re excited about it. We are happy to help you formulate the elements for your success.